Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: The opener

    By Eric Booton The countdown begins every winter when I receive my Trout Unlimited calendar (thanks TU!). I immediately spend several minutes noting the important dates, trips and plans that need to be remembered; several of which are the closures and openers of my favorite Alaska fishing holes. I am surrounded by, or just a…

  • Conservation

    Thanks Joe

    By Chris Wood “I was the first person Charles Gauvin hired at Trout Unlimited when he became CEO in 1992. He wanted to hire Steve Moyer, but Steve and Michelle just had their first child, and Steve thought the organization’s finances were too unstable. At the time Trout Unlimited had a budget of $2 million…

  • If you love fishing, give the fish a break

    By Kirk Deeter Word is out that the water temperatures in some stretches of important rivers like the Roaring Fork and the Colorado have climbed above 70 degrees, and that’s not good news for trout. Water that warm stresses the fish. And if you pull them around by their faces at this time, you add…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Mending your line

    When fly fishing water with conflicting currents, we must "mend" our line to get the best possible drift. Achieving the often mythical "drag-free" drift isn't always possible, but we can usuall extend the life of a fly's drift over productive water by mending. Trout Tips | Mending from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. Above, Russ Miller…