Trout Magazine

  • Help stop Pebble mine, win a fly rod

    SIGN UP FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A 7-PIECE, 5WT ROD & REEL FROM PESCADOR ON THE FLY If you're an American angler, you've probably either heard the stories or have first hand experience of the of 30 inch rainbow trout, the wildest of wildlife, and salmon runs so thick that emerald water glows red…

  • TU’s media team earns seven OWAA awards

    From the post, "Four-Quarter Fly Fishing," which won an OWAA award this week. TROUT Magazine and its digital companion, the blog at, won a slew of awards for its 2017 content in the annual Outdoor Writers Association of America Excellence in Craft contests announced June 3 in Fort Wayne, Ind. TU Creative Director Josh…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Preparing for a new season

    Russ Miller of Fishpond joins Trout Tips this spring to offer some great advice on getting ready for the summer ahead. And the first thing Miller recommends is checking your gear as you prepare to head to the water. Trout Tips | Preparing for a new season from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. As Miller notes,…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Beavers as tools

    By Toner Mitchell I recently visited a tailwater stream known for its capacity to produce lots of brown trout, some of them quite large. The reservoir feeding this stream is operated exclusively for downstream agricultural users, the result of which is that the fishery i s also renowned for its poor conditions in winter, when…

  • Trout in hot water across the globe

    Many native trout species, like these bull trout, are rare or endangered. Photo courtesy of USGS. By Jack Williams Sometimes you need to take a step back to see the whole problem. Or in this case, a whole lot of steps because the problem is the decline of native trout across the entire Northern Hemisphere.…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: 90 and Counting

    Leigh Perkins, the man who bought a small New England outdoors company and helped turn it into the Orvis we know today, is 90 years old. But you'd never know it. Video of ORVIS PRESENTS: 90 and CountingThe short film above is more than just a tribute to Perkins—it's an homage to fathers and grandfathers…