Trout Magazine

  • TU joins Operation Pollination in Driftless Area

    In September, Trout Unlimited participated in the signing of the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership.   The Partnership is a collaborative of groups, individuals and communities working with Rotary’s Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) and Rotary International to create, enhance and expand habitat for pollinators along the Mississippi River flyway.   Incorporating habitat for…

  • Apply now for Stihl equipment grant

    There's “Stihl” time for Driftless Area chapters to apply for a grant to purchase equipment from the forest and landscape equipment company. Stihl continues to be a great partner for TU’s work in the Driftless area, strengthening a collaboration that started several years ago.  Under the partnership agreement, Stihl representatives from the Midwest region gather…

  • Peter Jonas joins Driftless staff as partnership specialist

    As partnership specialist for Trout Unlimited’s Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TU-DARE), Peter Jonas helps anglers, farmers, resource professionals, environmentalists, educators, students, and government officials work together to heal watersheds.    Peter developed experience and expertise in recruiting partners, community building, public speaking and grant writing in his prior work as an ordained minister and as a…

  • Community Restoration

    Healing the Land

    For hundreds of years, the Wuda Ogwa, the site of the Bear River Massacre has undergone significant development, pollution and agricultural use. Now, the Tribe is restoring Wuda Ogwa to its organic and natural glory.

    Editor’s Note: This Native American Heritage Month, Trout Unlimited is celebrating and honoring the efforts of our tribal partners who, since time immemorial, have been stewards of the lands, waters and wildlife they hold sacred. We are inspired by the stories of the Nez Perce working to recover salmon on the Snake River, of the…

  • Something about Beginners Luck and Big Bows

    There was a circulation of steam from hot coffee and one’s breath as excited chatter filled the crisp fall morning air. Though the morning was cold, hearts were warm, and the anticipation of tight lines was on the mind. The day had finally come for the Armed Forces Fishing trip! Morning huddle before a day…