Trout Magazine

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Hook sizes

    I'm loving this new series that Tim Flagler and Orvis are doing on hooks and hook sizes. This lessens the curve for new fly tiers and for new fly fishers who can find the verbiage surrounding hooks a bit intimidating. To make it simple, Tim offers the best explainer: The higher the number, the smaller…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Airstreamer

    Here's a good one from the Catch Magazine vault—Todd Moen dusted it off recently for us all to enjoy. It depicts my favorite kind of fly fishing—waking up somewhere new in the confines of the camper and taking the fly rod down to the creek to see what's hitting. Video of Bass, Carp & Trout…

  • Memorial Day 2018

    Monday, May 28th, 2018 is Memorial Day, a day of remembrance when we honor the men and women of the American Military who gave their lives in service to our country. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s words remind us that “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have…

  • Conservation

    New science promotes trout recovery

    By Chris Wood Some define conservation as overseeing loss. Loss of wetlands; loss of open space; loss of water quality; loss of species. Aldo Leopold harkened to this when he wrote in the Sand County Almanac that “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds.…

  • Montana’s rivers need you now

    We won't sugar coat this: If you care about Montana's rivers, we need you now. This spring, Trout Unlimited helped launch the Yes for Responsible Mining initiative (I-186). I-186 can help guarantee a cleaner future for our rivers and streams. It will require mining companies applying for new permits to show reasonable proof that they…

  • Data loggers make monitoring stream temps easy

    Check out TU's Stream Temperature Monitoring Handbook. By Kurt Fesenmyer One great way to take the pulse of your local river is by monitoring stream temperatures. Inexpensive data loggers offer the opportunity to record water temperatures every hour for several years, providing easy access to important information on seasonal patterns, short-term trends, and the impacts…