Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the river: Return of the G-Man

    Longtime advocate for fishing and hunting and TU grassroots leader Geoff Malloway re-opens the Central Coast Fly Fishing shop. By Sam Davidson To Geoff Malloway, inaction, and its frequent companion inertia, are like poaching. They are a violation of the sportsmen’s code. He can’t abide them. You can see it in his face at meetings…

  • Montana ballot initiative a no-brainer

    The mess Montana taxpayers get to pay to clean up. If you pay taxes and drink water, voting for I-186 on the November ballot in Montana should be a no-brainer. But more than that, if you have a child or a grandchild or just plain want to make sure that future generations of Montanans don’t…

  • Tarpon, of course

    Last week, TU's Kirk Deeter posted a simple photograph (above), and asked you tell us what he was fishing for in this water. The answer is tarpon. And the winner of the TU-embossed HydraPak is Sam Lawson, who was one of many who answered "baby tarpon," but the only one lucky enough to have his…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Handling fish responsibly

    Handling fish once you've caught them has become a touchy issue (pun intended), and rightly so. The #KeepEmWet movement has been great for educating anglers on proper fish handling and release techniques, and now, as you'll see below, the fly fishing industry is getting involved in the effort to promote responsible handling and release of…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: It’s almost time

    By Nelli Williams Saturday winter mornings in our house are usually jolted into motion by a bright-eyed toddler and not-so sleepy Kindergartener shouting, ”C’mon mommy play!” with flapping arms and mini-dances of excitement. Despite a long week at work, I give in with little resistance. In the mind of a 3-year-old, play can’t wait for…