Trout Magazine

  • Conservation

    Sportsmen key to cleaning up abandoned mines

    Trout Unlimited began organizing sportsmen and women in a coordinated manner in 2001–largely in response to my observation when I worked at the Forest Service that the voice of hunters and anglers was largely missing from the development of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule—an initiative that protected nearly 60 million acres of some of the…

  • Projects reconnect trout water in North Carolina mountains

    By Andy Brown Recent projects to remove in-stream barriers on two North Carolina streams have opened miles of habitat for trout and other creek-dwelling creatures. The work was completed on Powdermill and Cedar Rock creeks and is part of TU's coldwater conservation program in the Southern Appalachians. Removing barriers helps fish, including native brook trout,…

  • Gear test: Costa Montauk Polarized Sunglasses

    You have sunglasses and you have sunglasses. Perhaps the most underutilized angling accessory, shades provide protection from the sun as well as a rogue cast that could cause a potential injury. Much like your most beloved hat, fleece or any other piece of fishing gear, sunglasses are particular to the angler. You might have one…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Getting Wet

    Taking a break for a warm coffee on a dreary day on Virginia's Smith River. (Sam Dean photo.) By Mark Taylor My friend Aaron reached out the other day with an invitation. “Got a seat in the boat for you.” A couple days later we were floating down Virginia’s Jackson River in Aaron’s new Boulder…

  • Tie like a chef

    [et_pb_section fb_built="1" fullwidth="on" admin_label="section" _builder_version="3.0.47" transparent_background="off"][et_pb_fullwidth_header title="Tie like a chef" subhead="Know your ingredients" title_font_color="#CB564B" _builder_version="3.0.47" title_text_color="#CB564B" title_font_size="32px" subhead_font_size="45px" background_image="" parallax="on" parallax_method="on" custom_css_main_element="min-height: 865px;" custom_css_header_container="margin-top: 150px" custom_css_title="font-family: %22Ringside Regular SSm A%22, %22Ringside Regular SSm B%22;||font-style: normal;||font-weight: 700;||text-transform: uppercase;||color: #CB564B;" custom_css_subtitle="font-family: %22Ringside Regular SSm A%22, %22Ringside Regular SSm B%22;||font-style: normal;||font-weight: 700;||text-transform: uppercase;||color: #74A5B5;" background_url=""][/et_pb_fullwidth_header][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built="1" admin_label="section" _builder_version="3.0.47"…

  • Forest Service honors TU’s Darek Staab with Rise to the Future award

    Darek Staab (far right) with volunteers, Whychus Creek project, Oregon. Darek Staab, Project Manager for Trout Unlimited’s Upper Deschutes Restoration Program, was recently honored by the U.S. Forest Service with a “Rise to the Future” award in the Partnerships category. The regional Forest Service award recognizes “outstanding contributions towards fisheries and water resource conservation in…