Celebrating 13 years of coldwater conservation on Michigan’s Rogue River
In 2010, Trout Unlimited launched a “Home Rivers Initiative” on Michigan’s Rogue River, coinciding with the celebration of the 50-year anniversary of TU’s founding in Michigan. The Rogue River was selected based on the recommendations of TU’s Michigan Council and chapters around the state, and the Schrems West Michigan chapter in Grand Rapids joined with…
Fresh Coasters
Jumpstarting brook trout restoration on Lake Superior
Jumpstarting brook trout restoration on Lake Superior Veins of iron and copper drew immigrants to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula more than a century ago. Today, veins of blue flowing into Lake Superior draw anglers to prospect for remnant populations of coaster brook trout trying to survive in this century after being nearly extirpated over the past…
The True Cast – The Best Teachers in Trout Fishing…
My favorite quote of all time is by Will Rogers: “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” I think that applies to many things in life, even trout fishing. When I program myself to fish the same way—use the same flies, the same rig, the same…
Navigating Currents: Dr. Len Necefer on Tribal Water Rights, Outdoor Adventures and a Splash of Humor
Amidst the debate over the future of water rights in the Colorado River, a spotlight on the impacts to tribal nations and what it means for the future of indigenous populations across the West Editor’s Note: Trout Unlimited is inviting people from across the Colorado River Basin—ranchers, guides, elected officials, businesses, athletes, tourism officials—to talk…
TU and Forest Service team up to close damaged road in Georgia
Let’s get this out of the way. Rolling through muddy, tricky terrain in a tough four-wheel-drive rig or a burly ATV can be fun. But there is a time and place for mud-bogging, and one of the places where it doesn’t fit is in and around delicate trout streams. That’s the reason Trout Unlimited and…
TU Science Intern Earns Education and Finds Love Along the Way
Sarah Baker interned twice for TU before moving on in her own successful career in fisheries Sarah with Redband Trout from Salmon Falls Creek drainage NV. Photo credit: Sarah Baker Her sights were originally set on going to medical school while attending the College of Idaho, but while taking the required biology prerequisites, Sarah Baker’s…
TU joins Operation Pollination in Driftless Area
In September, Trout Unlimited participated in the signing of the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership. The Partnership is a collaborative of groups, individuals and communities working with Rotary’s Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) and Rotary International to create, enhance and expand habitat for pollinators along the Mississippi River flyway. Incorporating habitat for…