Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Neat heads

    For new fly tiers and even for some of us seasoned at the vise, tying the perfect head on any fly can be a real challenge. Oversized heads look weird, mess with the balance of a fly and and make it tough to change flies quickly on the water. Video of Neat HeadsIn the video…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Ivy Van

    If you're on social media, I'm confident you have noticed that #vanlife has swept the nation. Powered by social media, modern day van life is inspired by the romantic excursions of previous generations who loaded up VW Westfalias and Transporters to chase down their favorite musical acts, post up at the river in a trout…

  • Distance casters: Masters of the irrelevant

    'Tis the outdoor Sportsmen’s Expo and Flyfishing Show season, where anglers get chances to shrug off the winter doldrums and make a few casts, if only on an indoor “casting pond.” Those shows offer great opportunities to test out the latest and greatest fly rods too. Just don’t judge the rod by trying to throw…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the river: Cassie’s fish

    The Steelhead Whisperer and his daughter with a jewel from the Big Sur River. By Sam Davidson On Martin Luther King Day three men and a diminutive young lady went fishing on California’s Big Sur River—a tiny but fierce watershed on the central coast with a bona fide steelhead run—and the smallest member of the…

  • Big news on the Pebble Mine front

    NEWS: Last Friday, the U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that he would not withdraw the 2014 Clean Water Act 404(c) Proposed Determination for Bristol Bay, Alaska. What does this mean? The Proposed Determination, when finalized would have put restrictions on mining the Pebble Deposit. In May, those restrictions were heading toward being done away…

  • Distance casters: Masters of the irrelevant

    'Tis the outdoor Sportsmen’s Expo and Flyfishing Show season, where anglers get chances to shrug off the winter doldrums and make a few casts, if only on an indoor “casting pond.” Those shows offer great opportunities to test out the latest and greatest fly rods too. Just don’t judge the rod by trying to throw…