Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: A signal

    Photo by Chris Hunt By Chris Hunt I've got a trip planned to a remote little fishing village in Mexico later this winter, and one of the first things I was warned of when I reserved a little cottage on the beach was (after hitting Google Translate), "There is no cell service here." I do…

  • Together we can all fly

    TU Teen Devin Brandes, pictured above in blue, shares his story of how he successfully began a day camp for kids called the Rocky Point Fly Fishing Camp. Inspired by this experience, he built upon his success to start a volunteer program called You Can Fly that recruits young people from the Boys and Girls…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Strip…

    Damn it's cold outside, right? When these deep freeze "bomb cyclones" dip into the normally temperate climes of the American South and leave us all chilled to the bone, I tend to start surfing the travel sites for great deals to points south. Way south. Tropical south. And that, of course, makes me think of…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Electric caddis larva

    With a good 80 percent of the country feeling like a deep freeze these days, it's a good time to be talking about winter fly fishing. And winter flies, of course. Video of JC's Electric Caddis LarvaAbove, Tim Flagler walks through the process of tying John Collins' Electric Caddis Larva, a great wintertime searching pattern…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Diyak

    I love do-it-yourself fishing. The challenge of essentially learning as you go on new water has always appealed to me. That, and, of course, I just can't afford to shovel $500 across the cab of a pickup to a guide that often. But there's DIY. And then there's the DIY where you're dropped off on…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Public access

    By Dave Ammons I'm pretty sure that woven into most rivers in North America are intervals of private and public water, and the river I fish is no different. I am privileged to have access to nearly a mile of private water, a beautiful mix of long runs, boulder-strewn pocke ts, and stretches of riffles…