Voices from the River: The altruistic angler
The Steelhead Whisperer, on his home water, in his characteristic pose. By Sam Davidson Apparently I like to observe important fishing occasions by making other anglers feel better about themselves. 2017 was a case in point. I ended the calendar year, and the 2016-17 winter steelhead season (in March), in the same fashion: by going…
Fly tying: Why use a rotary vise?
I've been tying (well, some would call it that, anyway) for a good 20 years, and while I tie generally for necessity and a bit of the pleasure that keeps me connected to fly fishing on days like today, when it's all of 9 degrees outside, I'm not terribly accomplished at the vise. But I…
Video spotlight: Jungle Fly Fishing
The primal rainforests of the Amazon basin are slowly revealing their fishy treasures to fly anglers the world over. We're seeing more video footage of everything from golden dorado to the mighty arapaima. But the fish that started it all is likely the decorated peacock bass. Video of Jungle Fly Fishing *TRAILER* Peacock Bass Fishing…
Angler scientists mobilize once again for PA redd surveys
An ongoing redd survey effort in Pennsylvania drew 90 volunteers, who searched streams for spawning trout in three areas. (Chase Howard photo.) As they have for the past several years, Trout Unlimited members spread out across watersheds in Pennsylvania on a chilly day late this autumn to look for spawning trout. They didn’t carry fishing…
Headwaters Youth Program exceeds fundraising goal
Starting in 2017, a new fundraising campaign was initiated by the 066-Guadalupe River TU chapter to support and sustain TU's Headwaters Youth Program: the GRTU Tomorrow Fund. It's a 10 year fundraising plan to raise $40,000 each year to support staff and programs like Trout in the Classroom, STREAM Girls, and TU's Youth Camps. We…
Fly Tying: The Yellow Humpy
My favorite backcountry attractor dry fly might be the venerable humpy. Tied in yellow or red (or even "royal" fashion), the Humpy is a high-floating dry fly that imitates a host of bugs, from larger mayflies to caddis, but doesn't exactly resemble anything in particular. It just looks buggy. Video of Yellow HumpyAnd backcountry trout…
Voices from the River: The Bend
By Dave Ammons My earliest memories of The Bend were of grand childhood adventures. We skipped stones, a challenge in riffles and rapids. We built rock rings to hold small fires where we cooked hot dogs on sticks freshly snapped and stripped from a willow on the bank. We s plashed at the water's edge…