Voices from the River: Boxes to fill
By Chris Hunt It’s December. How did that happen? Why, just last week, it seemed, I was casting fat Chernobyls to willing cutthroats on Bear Creek under the warmest of summer suns. But today, as I step outside to grab the mail, my nostrils freeze tight and the vapor from my breath circles my face,…
Why Alaska is everyone’s backyard
By David Lisi No one around you, you're in a pristine river setting, fishing for wild, native fish. This is THE magical, nearly unattainable goal for most fly fishermen. Rivers with Brown Bears bounding through the water chasing spawning salmon as you pluck your tenth 20" wild rainbow trout from their feeding lanes or hook…
Monuments: What happened this week?
This week, the Trump administration announced it would be cutting two monuments in Utah, one by 85 percent and one by more than 50 percent, jeopardizing the more than century old Antiquities Act, a conservation tool that has been used to protect public lands revered by hunters and anglers, such as Arkansas River in Colorado…
Fly tying: Zelon Musk Midge
If you're like me, any pattern that calls for a size 24 hook is a pattern best left to the experts. Tim Flagler's Zelon Musk Midge is a prime example. Video of Zelon Musk MidgeThis might be the simplest midge pattern I've ever seen. It consists of two ingredients in addition to the thread, as…
Fly tying: Ribbing a fly
Fly ribbing is not only a great way to "segment" a nymph body, but, as Tim Flagler points out below, it's a great way to protect delicate materials, like peacock herl. Video of How to Rib a Fly and WhyI tie a few nymphs with wire ribbing, and even add wire to simple streamers, like…
More changes for monuments?
Interior Secretary Zinke recommends additional changes for national monuments Report outlines actions that would have far-reaching consequences for hunters and anglers WASHINGTON D.C. — In a final report released to the public today, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke recommended to President Trump that additional national monuments - those public lands managed to protect objects…
Holiday ideas from TU’s Alaska Program
Pride of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon. By: Nelli Williams In the holiday spirit? Looking for ways to support TU’s work in Alaska while knocking a few things off your holiday to do list? Here are a few ideas from the TU Alaska Team. Bristol Bay wild salmon - serve at a holiday party or send…