Trout Magazine

  • Tomorrow Fund benefits TU’s youth program

    The TU Costa 5 Rivers Native Odyssey college students above. The Native Odyssey was featured in Chris Wood's State of TU address. By Tara Granke In case you missed it, during his 2017 State of TU address, Chris Wood personally pledged $1,000 to the GRTU Tomorrow Fund and asked those gathered to follow his lead.…

  • Conservation

    Inside the effort to repeal the Clean Power Plan

    By Jim Wilson On Oct. 16, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the electric utility sector. The CPP was originally promulgated in 2015, and was expected to reduce carbon emissions in this country by more than 400,000 tons within 15 years.…

  • Matching the lure hatch?

    When I was a kid, I loved spin fishing for bass and panfish in East Texas' Lake Tyler. My dad worked for a company that had a park and a boat launch on the lake, as well as a swimming area complete with a floating barge, and a dock outfitted with a host of slips…

  • Reconnection work continues on the Mettawee River

    By Erin Rodgers Trout Unlimited continues to make good progress in efforts to reconnect the fragmented Mettawee River near Dorset, Vt. This year’s projects are part of a larger effort by TU, the Poultney-Mettawee Natural Resource Conservation District, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to reconnect over…

  • What kind of trout is this?

    The trick to knowing what you’re going to catch before you catch it, is knowing what lives in the river. Of course. Some people, however, have dialed it in a bit more. For example, they know the rainbows like the riffles in certain places on the Colorado River, whereas the browns hug the banks and…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Using a whip-finisher

    When I got my first beginning fly-tying kit all those years ago, most of the tools made sense. But there was this weird loopy, wiry thing that just confounded me. It was a whip-finishing tool. I set it aside and when I tied my first fly (likely a horrible-looking Woolly Bugger that, on its best…