Fly tying: Adding weight with lead-free wire
Adding weight to flies can be tricky. A lot of tiers prefer to simply add a bead of varying weight to the hook before tying, which not only gives the fly some weight, but also some flash and character. Video of Adding Lead-Free Wire WrapsBut sometimes, as Tim Flagler notes in the video above, adding…
Video spotlight: Fly Fishing for Brookies
Fly fisher and guide Bridget Fabel has a fairly robust collection of fly fishing videos—she's a cheerful camera personality with some solid angling skills. And she fly fishes with her cats. Yes. Cats. Video of A Dozen Brookies On the Fly! Fly Fishing With Cats For High Country Brook Trout!A lot of us have "fishing…
Voices from the River: Filling buckets
The author and his daughter, filling buckets on Yellowstone's Lamar River. By Tim Frahm When my daughter was in third grade (she’s in sixth grade now), her class practiced a regular exercise they called “filling buckets.” This involved being kind or thoughtful or in other ways a good friend to each other. The outcome of…
TU Teen Essay Contest | Second Runner Up | Alex D. from Michigan
Each year, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest in which they share their camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Alex's essay is the second to be posted in this series as the second runner up! Alex is from Michigan and attended the Michigan Trout…
Fly fishing lifestyle gear for anglers
So, the shopping season is already upon us. STAY TUNED for a comprehensive gift guide from the editors and field testers of TU, that will be coming your way in Trout Magazine, as well as in a digital format, in the very near future. For starters, however, I have to recommend my friend Mark Koenig’s…
Video spotlight: Refuge
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is in the news again, as the oil and gas industry—sensing more friendly political winds— takes another shot at the effort to sink oil wells into the permafrost north of the Brooks Range. A couple of summer ago, I topped the Brooks Range on the Dalton Highway and got my…
Trout Tips: Be a lurker
Editor's note: For more great tips on fishing from TU members across the country, get your copy of TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight shipping. This time of year, when I plan out some distant winter fishing trips to places warmer and farther south, I become a lurker. Not the creepy, "Psst! Hey…