Flies to die for?
The Royal Coachman. Worth dying for? Let's have a little fun, if no other reason than to talk about those fly patterns that just never seem to let us down. Here's the question: What fly would you climb out on a limb to retrieve, even if the limb looked a little sketchy and the tumble…
Trout Tips: Bird’s-eye view
Sometimes, you can learn an awful lot more about a river, and specifically where fish will be holding in a river, by looking at it from above, rather than standing in it. Granted, that’s not always that easy when you are fishing in flat terrain. But I know plenty of anglers who have been driven…
The State of TU’s Grassroots
TU National Leadership Council Chair Mick McCorcle delivers the State of TU's Grassroots at the TU annual meeting conducted in September in Roanoke, Va. State of Grassroots 2017 from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.
Video spotlight: Fly fishing for cats
Count me among the many who didn't think it could be done, at least not on a regular basis. I've managed to catch hard-head catfish on a fly in the Lower Laguna Madre and in the mangrove swamps near Pine Island in Florida. The former was on crystal-clear flats and I was sight-fishing to foot-long…
Final push for the Klamath River
You can help restore the third most productive river for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast
TU Teen Essay Contest | Third Runner Up | Will D. from Georgia
Each year, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest in which they share their camp experiences. This year we had ffour finalists, and Wills essay is the first to be posted in this series as the third runner up! William is from north Georgia and attended the Georgia…
MT Smith River: Get ready to rally
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has added a fourth public meeting in Helena, MT on November 6, 2017. Montana Trout Unlimited is teaming up to help you get there. Bozeman and Missoula area residents will have the opportunity to hop buses to the Capitol where we will rally on the Capitol lawn before…