Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: JC’s Electric Steelie Stone

    Being a western angler, I'm not terribly familiar with the steelhead flies used in Great Lakes tributaries. Most western steelhead patterns are purple or pink or some color variation that just looks loud and gawdy. Higher up in the steelhead drainages, like here in Idaho, it's easier to get awa y from the "eggy" and…

  • Embrace A Stream Challenge: ‘Give Where You Fish’

    HELP LOCAL TU PROJECTS WIN $50,000 IN CASH PRIZESHelp local TU supporters, members and volunteers like you improve rivers across the country and unlock $50,000 in cash prizes to support their work!The Embrace A Stream Challengeis a fun, week-long online competition encouraging all of us to “give where you fish” and support local projects led…

  • Conservation

    Recovering America’s native optimism

    by Chris Wood Al Perkinson looks like a California surfer dude. He’s got wavy long hair and the languid movement of a gracefully aging athlete. He is also the guy who built the Costa del Mar brand, helped TU start the Five Rivers program, and now runs marketing for Simms. I was talking with Al…

  • Trout Unlimited Alaska Hosts Chinook Panel

    By Dave Atcheson Most Alaskans are painfully aware of the recent downturn in king salmon runs on many of our streams. The numbers of returning Chinook salmon have remained alarmingly low for the last several years, prompting fishing closures in many areas, including the previous season’s closure of the entire Southeast region. It was with…