Fly tying: The Klinkhamer
'Tis the season for emerging insects on America's great trout rivers. Here in Idaho, it's full-on Blue-winged Olive season (in an infuriating size 20!). While traditional dun patterns can work well, I've found that trout are often keyed in on emerging BWOs well into the full hatch. And a BWO tied "Klinkhamer" style perfectly mimics…
Skills: Float tube basics
By Dave Atcheson I have to smile to myself as I watch a line of buddies negotiating the trail in front of me. There’s nothing beautiful about it, just a tangle of legs and arms sticking out from brightly colored rings, bobbing from side to side between the trees in an absurd and uncoordinated display.…
Sacred Waters: The Pere Marquette system
The author standing on the railroad bridge where the first brown trout were introduced to America. By Kirk Deeter Most anglers have home waters—places they consider sacred. For me, the tracks always lead back to Baldwin, Mich., and the Pere Marquette River system. It was here where I learned to fly fish. Many years ago,…
Voices from the River: Public discussions on Lahontan cutthroat and a new beer
Doug Ouelette, Sagebrush Trout Unlimited Chapter board member, with a 21-pound Lahontan cutthroat trout caught at Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Courtesy photo. By Brett Prettyman If you dream of landing big trout chances are you have heard of the mighty Lahontan cutthroat of Pyramid Lake in Nevada. While the native fish approaching 30 pounds are…
TU responds to attack on Antiquities Act
Trout Unlimited sent the following letter to the House Natural Resources Committee in response to the markup of the National Monument Creation and Protection Act, H.R. 3990, a bill which would endanger the future of the Antiquities Act:
Bill threatens National Monuments and Antiquities Act
The House Natural Resources Committee advanced a bill this week that would alter the very foundation of the Antiquities Act, a tool that has been in use for more than 100 years to protect important cultural and natural resources on public lands. The National Monument Creation and Protection Act, H.R. 3990, was introduced late last…
TU opposes H.R.3990 re: National Monuments
171011_TU_oppose_H.R.3990_markup.pdfOctober 11, 2017 Re: Please Oppose H.R. 3990, the National Monument and Protection Act Dear Chairman Bishop, Ranking Member Grijalva, and members of the Committee: On behalf of behalf of Trout Unlimited and its nearly 300,000 members and supporters nationwide, I am writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 3990, the National Monument and Protection…