Trout Magazine

  • What’s your favorite fishing beer?

    Years ago, when I first came to Trout Unlimited and started working for the Public Lands Initiative (now it's the Sportsmen's Conservation Project, but given the threats facing our public lands, it was probably more aptly named at the start), I attended an all-staff retreat on the banks of the H ousatonic River near the…

  • 30 Great Places: Clearwater

    Region: Northern RockiesActivity: FishingSpecies: Cutthroat trout Where: The Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests encompass more than four million acres in north central Idaho. Three renowned white water rivers – the Selway, Lochsa and Salmon – course through the mountainous terrain. Many of the region’s streams hold healthy populations of westslope cutthroat. Why: Excellent top-water angling for…

  • 30 Great Places: Canaan Valley

    Location: Mid-AppalachiaActivities: Hiking; biking; hunting; fishingSpecies: White-tailed deer; black bear; wild turkey; ruffed grouse; brook and brown and trout; largemouth bass Where: Canaan Valley (pronounced “Ca-nane”) National Wildlife Refuge protects 16,550 acres in the Allegheny Mountains in Tucker County, in north central West Virginia. It rests at 3,200 feet, making it the highest elevation valley…

  • 30 Great Places: Browns Canyon

    Region: Southern RockiesActivities: Fishing; Hunting; RaftingSpecies: Brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout; bighorn sheep; elk; mule deer Where: Browns Canyon National Monument rests in south central Colorado, between the communities of Buena Vista and Salida in Chaffee County. Its 21,586 acres encompass rugged lands along the upper Arkansas River; here, spectacular granite walls rise from the…

  • Why Clean Water Matters: Whitney Milhoan

    "I grew up near Glacier National Park, and worked for years as a river guide on the Flathead River system. Guiding on the pristine waters of the Upper Middle Fork gave me a deep appreciation of the importance of protecting our headwater streams and wetlands. Out West, it's easy to take cold, clean water for…

  • Conservation

    Helping one another to help the fish

    By Chris Wood When it comes to the recovery of imperiled salmon and steelhead, Idaho leads the way. The Idaho Statesman was the first daily newspaper to call for the removal of the four lower Snake River dams in 1997. The late Governor, Cecil Andrus was one of the most articulate voices for recovery of…