Trout Magazine

  • Knot that complicated

    I’m not a knot freak. Some anglers approach knots like an art form, which it can be, but I’m no artist. I’m a utilitarian. And so it is that I spend 99 percent of my angling days tying a mere two knots. These two above (as illustrated by Rod Walinchus for the book Trout Tips).…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Have someone read to you

    Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight delivery. When I was learning to read books, I learned by having someone read to me. Soon, I was able to pick out a word or two, then sentences, paragraphs, etc. Eventually, I was able to read an entire book…

  • STREAM Girls volunteers get their feet wet

    By Tara Granke Trout Unlimited is ready to shatter stereotypes and break boundaries. In early September, TU’s Headwaters Youth Program partnered with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington to hold the first-ever Train-the-Trainer for an outdoor STEM education experience designed for middle-school aged Scouts called STREAM Girls. At this training, TU's Youth Education and Diversity/Women's…

  • 30 Great Places: Ninemile Valley

    Region: Northern RockiesActivities: Hiking, Sightseeing, FishingSpecies: Rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout Where: Ninemile Valley is 20 miles west of Missoula, in west central Montana. The valley bottom consists mostly of private property; the upper lands are part of the Lolo National Forest. Ninemile Creek is a major tributary of the Clark Fork, Montana’s largest river.…

  • Sundance Mountain Resort Hosts “The Movie”

    It was the movie that brought thousands of new people to fly fishing. Director Robert Redford's interpretation of Norman Maclean's classic novella about family and fly fishing was an overwhelming success when it came out in the fall of 1992. Set in Missoula, Mont., in the 1920s it brought the beauty of wild fish and…