Trout Magazine

  • 30 Great Places: Pine Forest Range

    Region: WestActivities: Hunting, FishingSpecies: Chukar; Bighorn Sheep; Pronghorn; Mule Deer; Rainbow, brown, brook and tiger trout Where: The Pine Forest Range rests in Humboldt County in northwestern Nevada, just south of the Oregon border. This rugged high desert landscape ranges from 4,200 to more than 9,000 feet in elevation, and intersperses sagebrush and otherworldly rock…

  • 30 Great Places: The Methow

    Area: Pacific NorthwestActivity: FishingSpecies: Cutthroat Trout (or Westslope Cutthroat Trout), Rainbow trout Where: The picturesque Methow Valley rests in north central Washington’s Okanogan Country, roughly four hours northeast of Seattle amongst the 4 million acre-Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. The valley, which rests in the rain shadow east of the North Cascades, is home to Winthrop, a…

  • 30 Great Places: Huron-Manistee National Forest

    Region: MidwestActivities: FishingSpecies: Brook, brown and rainbow trout; steelhead; Chinook and Coho salmon Where: The Huron-Manistee National Forest stretches nearly one million acres across the northern half of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, touching Lake Michigan in the west and Lake Huron in the east. Home to diverse ecosystems ranging from coastal marshlands to oak savannahs, the…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: 24 hours in L.A.

    Say what you will about the urban nightmares that await the casual visitor to Los Angeles. Traffic and congestion are a given, virtually around the clock. It's pricey to visit—nothing comes cheap. Depending on where you go, it's a bit gritty. But it's a vibrant city, with a lot happening—the good that comes with the…

  • Travel

    Sweetwater Travel supports Clean Water

    "At Sweetwater Travel, we depend upon cold, clean water to provide habitat and refuge for trout. The Clean Water Rule is a formalization of the Clean Water Rule that was in effect for thirty years until the Supreme Court overturned the rule in 2006. The Obama administration re-wrote the rule to comply with the Supreme…

  • Native: Arctic char? Or Dolly Varden?

    By Dave Atcheson “I cast out and try to be patient, waiting for my fly to sink. On my first cast I’m too patient and snag. On the next I begin my retrieve earlier, an excruciatingly slow retrieve, just a twitch of the line here and there to keep my fly undulating above the weed…