Voices from the River: Kids and expectations
By Nelli Williams I frantically dug through a pile of clean laundry that had been sitting on the recliner all week (OK, maybe more). I was searching for two kid-sized wool socks—we had at least a dozen, so why I couldn’t find two was beyond me. Victorious, I found one in the pile and the…
Short casts: Golden trout in the Beartooths; new Korker boots; mayflies on the South Island
My buddy Matthew Reilly had the chance recently to wander in the remote Beartooths along the Montana-Wyoming border in search of golden trout. Native to the California Sierra, these rare cousins of rainbows and cutthroats occupy a few lakes in the high country just east of Yellowstone National Park, and, while they don't necessarily get…
Trout Tips: Beaver ponds
I love fishing beaver ponds. My first-ever brook trout was pulled from the bottom of a high-country beaver pond with my grandfather standing watch over my shoulder, many, many years ago. Since then, especially in high-elevation meadow streams, I've been on the lookout for beaver ponds that more than likely hold trout. Trout Tips |…
Teaching Kids to Fly Fish: The Five Golden Rules
By Kirk Deeter There is nothing more rewarding in the fishing world than teaching a young person some basics and watching that pilot light catch. I’ll trade a blanket callibaetis hatch and hundreds of popping fish heads for one pond-eat of a grasshopper fly cast by a little partner with a Snoopy rod, any day,…
Leaked documents a glimpse at plan for monuments
Stand up for National Monuments Leaked documents provide a glimpse into Interior plan for monumentsSportsmen and women say it’s past time for transparency in this process In a set of documents leaked to the media, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke outlined an uncertain future for this country’s national monuments. The story, which broke late…
2017 TAPS TU VSP Montana Men’s Retreat!
For the 4th consecutive year, TU's Veterans Service Partnership partnered with the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) to co-host the 2017 TAPS Montana Men's Retreat help at Parade Rest Ranch (PRR) near West Yellowstone from September 13-17. TAPS provides grief counseling and support for families who have lost loved ones in militiary service. TAPS…
30 Great Places: Pine Forest Range
Region: WestActivities: Hunting, FishingSpecies: Chukar; Bighorn Sheep; Pronghorn; Mule Deer; Rainbow, brown, brook and tiger trout Where: The Pine Forest Range rests in Humboldt County in northwestern Nevada, just south of the Oregon border. This rugged high desert landscape ranges from 4,200 to more than 9,000 feet in elevation, and intersperses sagebrush and otherworldly rock…