Trout Magazine

  • Native Odyssey: Wyoming

    Public Land: Bridger-Teton National Forest Driving south from Yellowstone National Park in Western Wyoming, visitors drive through the awe-inspiring Bridger-Teton National Forest. The mighty snow-capped Tetons provide a scenic backdrop to the pine stands, open fields and meadows that make up the landscape. Defined by pristine watersheds and an abundance of wildlife, the Bridger-Teton National…

  • Video spotlight

    Video Spotlight: The Beiarn Project

    We talk a lot about "sustainable development" in the conservation arena. The notion that human progress need not impair or impede the natural order of our rivers is perhaps one of more attractive ideals within the growth and development fields. And, make no mistake, we have the ability to protect our watersheds while we continue…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Different kinds of hackle

    I've learned a lot about fly tying over the last few years, thanks to Tim Flagler's tying videos, and his "One-minute Fly Tying Tips and Techniques" videos he does through Orvis. The latter series is particularly helpful for beginning fly tiers who might need some help understanding certain aspects of the craft, like stacking hair,…

  • TU, Vermont Fish and Wildlife host Chinese delegation

    Recently, TU’s Upper Connecticut Home River’s Initiative, along with our partners at the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, were invited to speak to employees of the USFWS and the Chinese Department of Wildlife Conservation and Nature Reserve Management, and the Cinese State Academy of Foresty, about our stream restoration and research projects on the Silvio…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Small stream structure

    I hear from a lot of anglers who prefer chasing big trout on big water that small-stream fly fishing is easy and that the fish aren't as sophisticated as big-water trout. This may be true, in some instances, but I'm here to tell you that you'll need more casts in your toolbox to effectively cast…

  • Fishing with bears—a primer

    By Dave Atcheson As usual, there have been many stories this year in Alaska about bear encounters and, unfortunately, two deaths attributed to black bears. This brings up the ever-present question of what steps we, as fishermen, might take to avoid similar confrontations. It is a topic that often generates a great deal of speculation…