Trout Magazine

  • 30 Great Places: Rio Grande del Norte

    Region: Southern RockiesActivities: Hiking, fishing, rafting, hunting, mountain biking, campingSpecies: Rainbow and brown trout Where: The Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument is a swath of more than 240,000 acres of protected public land in Taos County, in north central New Mexico. Much of the land abuts about 50 miles of its eponymous river. The…

  • Wild: Little Lost River bull trout

    Little Lost River bull trout. Photo by the author. I first fished Idaho’s Little Lost River in the early 2000s. I’d heard rumors of bull trout swimming in the high-desert stream that would hit dry flies intended for rainbows and require two hands for the “hero shot” after the battle. The latter might be true…

  • Yuba River relicensing: TU comments

    Yuba River Chinook salmon. Photo: Jacob Katz On August 25, a coalition of conservation and recreational groups, including Trout Unlimited, submitted formal comments on proposed requi rements for relicensing dam and diversion operations on the Yuba River, one of California’s most important—and degraded—river systems for salmon and steelhead. Coupled with two other major developments in…

  • 30 Great Places: Great Smoky Mountain National Park

    Region: Southern Appalachia Activities: Fishing Species: Brook, rainbow and brown trout Where: Great Smoky Mountains National Park straddles 800 square miles along the border of western North Carolina and southeastern Tennessee. Within a day’s drive of nearly half of America’s population, it’s the nation’s most popular national park, with upwards of 9,000,000 visitors annually. Why:…

  • 30 Great Places: Hermosa Creek

    Region: Southern RockiesActivities: Mountain biking; Skiing; 4WD; Fishing; Hunting, campingSpecies: Colorado River cutthroat trout; elkWhere: The Hermosa Creek Watershed comprises 107,886 acres in La Plata and San Juan Counties, in southwestern Colorado. The area, just north of the town of Durango, is in public hands, managed as a combination of wilderness, roadless and special management…