Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Peacock Caddis

    Some flies just work, and there's no real explanation as to why that is. The Peacock Caddis is one of those flies, as Tim Flagler perfectly describes in the video below. Video of Peacock CaddisI like this fly for two reasons. First, I think any fly with that "insect green" color put forth by peacock…

  • The mystery of Alaska’s missing kings

    Alaskans are painfully aware of the recent downturn in king salmon populations on many of our streams. There have, fortunately, been a few glimmers of hope when it comes to this iconic symbol of Alaska. For instance, there was a better than expected return to the Yukon River, which saw the largest number of chinook…

  • Conservation

    TU bids Chief Tidwell a fond farewell

    Tom Tidwell is retiring as Chief of the US Forest Service. It is difficult to overstate the importance of the 191 million acres that the Forest Service manages to trout and salmon. Half of the blue-ribbon trout streams in the country flow across national forests. A vast majority of western native trout and salmon depend…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Fix

    About this time every year, anglers in Idaho start watching the numbers of steelhead topping Bonneville Dam on the Columbia. Every steelhead bound for the Gem State has to pass over Bonneville Dam and several more dams, including four on the Lower Snake, before finding their way into the Salmon and Clearwater rivers to spawn…