TU Goes to Spain
Stream Salmonids Symposium offers a venue to highlight TU’s science work and learn from scientists around the globe. On the banks of the Mediterranean Sea, some 75 salmonid scientists from around the world congregated at the Stream Salmonids Symposium VI in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The idea was to present their work to colleagues, share…
Turn on the Stove to Curve Cast
A curve cast is a handy way to work around obstacles or tuck a fly right along the bank. Basically, you stop the rod abruptly with the rod at an angle, and instead of tracking straight (up and down) the leader kicks either right or left, depending on which side you’re powering the stroke from. …
A New Video Celebrates an Ambitious Restoration Project on the Wallowa River
Northeast Oregon landowners partner with TU to restore salmon and steelhead habitat. Ian Wilson is a dedicated angler, a fisheries biologist and a restoration project manager for the Grande Ronde Model Watershed. His wife Heidi is a dedicated conservationist who works for the local Wallowa Land Trust. They are the fifth generation to live on…
The True Cast – The species most worth worrying about when you’re out in the wild fishing
By and large, if you respect most animals, they’ll respect you, and the real threats probably aren’t what you’re thinking… Several years ago, I gave a talk to my (teacher) wife’s 5th grade class that explained how writing (and learning grammar, and spelling and all the crud they weren’t into) actually turned out to be…
3,000 attend Troutfest Colorado at Coors Field
2nd annual celebration of conservation, education and fly fishing a major hit in Denver. Normally, we see conservation expos and fly fishing trade shows stuffed inside convention centers or large resort hotels. Exhibitors in confined boxes, bumping elbows with each other while attendees work through isles weaving their way from exhibitor to exhibitor. This isn’t…
Making a monument: Feds host first public hearing on proposed Grand Canyon National Monument
Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument will help preserve the beauty of this idyllic landscape for generations to come. Earlier this week, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) hosted the first public meeting to receive feedback about the proposed Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument. This follows…
The True Cast – Fly fishing is about family, foremost… as well it should be.
I was a gear-chuckin’, spin-fishing, bass-mad angler in my youth. And don’t get me wrong, I’m still a fan of throwing the hardware, whenever, wherever the right opportunity presents itself. But a certain “opportunity” changed my fishing attitude many years ago, when I was invited by a young woman whom I was dating to drop…