Of Sticks and Strings
Public Lands support the underlying spirit of traditional bowhunting and fly fishing As trout season draws to a close in Michigan, the leaves change hues and, for many of us, our attention turns to antlered pursuits with the opening of archery deer season. Out West, hunter-anglers have been pursuing elk for almost a month…
The True Cast – As Americans, we are lucky.
Sure, we’re living in divisive times and there are things that concern most of us for different reasons and in different ways in America these days. But the bottom line is that this collective “experiment in democracy” is still kicking (and then some) 247 years after a roomful of visionaries gathered in Philadelphia to literally…
Abandoned mines pollute 110,000 miles of Western streams; new legislation and mining reform can help
Good Samaritan legislation and mining reform recommendations released this week to spur abandoned mine cleanup. With an estimated half a million abandoned mines scattered across the West, many in remote, hard-to-reach places, the job of cleaning them up seems almost insurmountable. Big, hard things are not accomplished in one fell swoop, though, and just as…
TU’s media team scores awards at Outdoor Writers Association of America conference
Several members of Trout Unlimited’s media and communications team were honored with prestigious awards at the Outdoor Writers Association of America’s annual conference, held Sept. 9-12 in Gulf Shores, Alabama. OWAA presented TU’s Mark Taylor, eastern communications director, with its top conservation award, the Circle of Chiefs. Staffers Kirk Deeter and Josh Duplechian earned several…
Biodiversity needs a chance to flourish on BLM Lands
Sometimes it seems utterly hard to fathom the losses of biodiversity we are facing today. A jarring report published last year noted the abundances of freshwater species across the globe have declined over 80 percent since 1970. Born just shortly before this, by the ripe old age of 8 or 9, I was concerned enough…
Tip – How does rain affect fly fishing?
If you haven’t tried fishing during a bit of rain, maybe it’s time to give it a go. Certainly, there are times when too much rain can throw things off...heavy rains, lightning and thunder (don’t fish during a lightning storm, please), and when the river really starts to rise or get muddy. But other times,…
The True Cast – My Dad Caught a Trout!
Maybe the best “catch” of my life…
Maybe the best “catch” of my life… So much in fly fishing has to do with family and passing the tradition down from generation to generation. Dads teaching daughters, mothers teaching sons, and all that. Which is wonderful. That’s the thread. And that’s what makes fly fishing amazing. It’s never, ever, really about the how…