Trout Magazine

  • New grant will help Van Duzen River coho, steelhead

    Floodplain habitat connectivity improvement project site, Lawrence Creek TU’s North Coast Coho Project has been awarded a major grant to underwrite the first year of a three-year project to restore floodplain habitat connectivity in Lawrence Creek, a tributary to Yager Creek in the Van Duzen River drainage in Humboldt County, California. The Lawrence Creek Reconnection…

  • Stand up for Clean Water

    Stand Up For Clean Water The public can now comment on a decision by the Trump administration to repeal a rule that would protect 60 percent of stream miles and the drinking water of one in three Americans. In June, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would begin the process of repealing the 2015…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Fishing dogs

    By Chris Hunt The low grumble in Phoebe’s throat grew into a steady growl, and her floppy ears perked up. She stared across the Little Greys River Canyon in the fading twilight, clearly interested in something across the river. “Hush,” I said instinctively, nursing a gin and tonic and staring into the flames that were…

  • Travel

    Native Odyssey: Utah’s cutthroat slam

    Bonneville cutthroat trout Editor's note: TU's Costa Five Rivers Native Odyssey team visited Utah recently on its trip across America. During our time in Utah, we sought four species of native cutthroat trout. Luckily for us, Utah has just the thing. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge that costs only $20 and is an…

  • Conservation

    TU’s interns rock!

    I have owned three suits in my life. The last one I bought was a classic seersucker to officiate at the outdoor wedding in Augustin Atlanta of my friends Neil and Mara (until that afternoon, I did not know one could sweat through a tie). The second was for my own wedding—a white linen suit,…

  • Renewable energy bill moves forward

    The House Committee on Natural Resources advanced a bill today that would balance renewable energy development with fish and wildlife resources. Introduced by Paul Gosar, the Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act passed through the committee with unanimous support. "The Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act offers an innovative approach to advance renewable development while…