Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited letter to U.S. House – Opposing harmful Clean Water rider in “minibus” spending bill
170726_TU_Ltr_H.R.3219_EW_Approps_HouseFloor.pdfJuly 26, 2017 Re: Trout Unlimited strongly opposes Energy and Water Section 108, a rider to weaken the Clean Water Act, and urges you to support the Beyer, Esty amendment to strip it from the bill. Dear Representative: Trout Unlimited strongly urges support for the Beyer, Esty Amendment to strike section 108 of Division D…
Voices from the River: Success and sorrow on Willow Creek
By Eric Booton I felt a slight hesitation as the group collectively chose to avert our former plans in order to float Willow Creek. I had the thought but I didn’t dare say it out loud. Was this going to be another fishless story from Willow Creek? I can’t recall how many times, but it…
Voices from the River: Sometimes a little fish means more than a big one
The head of a tiger trout. Paul Burnett/Trout Unlimited. By Brett Prettyman This is the tale of two fish. The take was similar. The tug was not. One easily provided more thrill than the other, but it was not the fish you would expect. I recently had the chance to visit the family ranch of…
TU’s annual Teen Summit goes full Michigan
By Tara Granke On July 15, 1959, Trout Unlimited was founded in Grayling, Mich. Nearly 60 years later, 30 of TU’s rising leaders traveled there from all over the country to attend a five-day leadership event called the TU Teen Summit. You could say we were returning to our roots. Just as they have for…
Voices from the River: Confessions of a fly fisherman
As a child we fished. My brothers and our friends did a lot of things together but primarily we fished. Each one of us allocated our allowance money to purchase what we needed for our next suburban adventure. A tackle box. A new reel and rod. A better selection of Rooster Tails. Not much else…
TROUT magazine welcomes John Gierach and Bob White
Acclaimed author John Gierach will provide a column for TROUT magazine. Photo courtesy CD Clarke.
Trout Tips: Rifle-shoot that cast
Editor's note: The following is experpted from TU's new book, "Trout Tips," which is available for overnight delivery. When prospecting for trout, don't flock-shoot and cast to the top of the run where you think there might be a fish and let your fly drift throught the whole run. Split the pool or run into…