Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Steelhead

    Outgoing president of the Southcentral Alaska TU Chapter, Shannon Carroll, waiting for the tug of a steelhead. By Eric Booton I tossed and turned all night. The image of the chrome sides of that fish on it’s first jump forever etched on my brain and I fear, doomed to haunt me until I get redemption.…

  • Travel

    A Native Odyssey: A conservation road trip of a lifetime

    "The beauty and charm of the wilderness are his for the asking, for the edges of the wilderness lie close beside the beaten roads of the present travel." —Theodore Roosevelt President Theodore Roosevelt was a visionary, having set aside 230 million acres during his presidency for the American public to enjoy. In doing so, he…

  • Pride of Bristol Bay—healthy food fuels a healthy fishery

    Salmon – the icon of Alaskan life and culture. Salmon – bright as a new dime, unchanged in millions of years in North America’s wildest waters. Salmon – the keystone of ecosystems from California to Siberia. Salmon – our last link to what was and our best reminder of what still could be … You…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Honor your hero

    A front-line warning sign on Peleliu during World War II. By Chris Hunt My grandfather was an old man the last time we fished together on Robinson Creek, not far from where it leaves the boundary of Yellowstone National Park and flows into Idaho at the depths of a thigh-busting canyon. We’d walked in from…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Alpine Trout

    I have a float tube. I probably haven't taken it off it's hook in the garage in half a dozen years. Maybe more. Lake fishing really isn't my thing, I guess. But after watching the video below by Todd Moen, I may need to rethink my perspective on still-water fishing. Granted, I don't have an…

  • West Virginia chapter hopes game cams deter poaching

    Mike Sayre, president of the Ernie Nester chapter in West Virginia, presents a Spy Point camera to David Hylton, a state conservation officer. Hylton will use the camera to deter poaching on the catch-and-release-only section of Paint Creek in Fayette County. (Photo courtesy of Mike Sayre.) By Mark Taylor Glenn Nelson isn’t one of those…

  • Skills: Making your own spool tenders

    If you fish for trout, you likely have at least half-a dozen spools of tippet constantly at the ready, just in case you need to add length to your leader, change the tippet strength to throw bigger flies to larger fish or to rebuild a diminishing leader. And, if you're like me, you despise the…