Trout Magazine

  • Science

    Stream surveyors work now for the future

    The plan, as so many good ones do, started over a beer.

    Two men with equipment in a stream

    The plan, as so many good ones do, started over a beer.  Well, several beers.  “We’re going to be at Hunting Creek next Wednesday with the EPA,” my friend Jason Hill said, a couple hours into another friend’s birthday bash at the Starr Hill Pilot Brewery in Roanoke, Va. “You should come.”  “Absolutely,” I said,…

  • Fishing Trout Talk Trout Tips

    Tip – Streamer Fishing

    Streamer fishing has evolved significantly over the years.

    Streamer fishing diagram

    Streamer fishing has evolved significantly over the years. Many anglers would only fish with “meat” when dry flies or nymphs didn’t work. Now anglers are streamer fishing all day and sometimes exclusively.   Flies have increased in size, changed shapes and gained actions that trout can’t lay off. Techniques have also advanced making streamer fishing thrilling.  …

  • TU Costa 5 Rivers Youth

    Fly Fishing as Catalyst for Change

    Several college students fish on a river bank with several younger kids

    Costa 5 Rivers Ambassador Summit realizes values of fly fishing. In August, a group of nine TU Costa 5 Rivers club leaders traveled to the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming for the 2023 Costa Ambassador Summit. This nationwide network of conservation-minded college fly fishing clubs each has a Costa Ambassador who is invited to…

  • Fishing

    To kill bass (or not)

    The thrill of the catch

    A South Umpqua bass next to a fishing pole handle

    The thrill of the catch. Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle…splash!  As I reared back and the fishing rod bent in a tight arc, I thought, “This is a good start!”  And it got better.  Seven casts. Seven fish. And 30 minutes of the best smallmouth bass fishing I’d ever experienced. Five of the seven bass were fat…