Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Angler etiquette

    Combat fishing in Alaska at its finest. By Dave Atcheson My reasons for fishing vary. Sure, sometimes it’s utilitarian; to fill the freezer, but more often than not it’s about the experience. It’s about connecting to the outdoors, to something larger than myself, the sense of peace and relaxation that only comes streamside. This is…

  • Travel

    VSP Trip to Slough Creek and Yellowstone!

    Our 5 veteran couples arrive in Bozeman tomorrow! On Saturday, we will depart from the Slough Creek Transfer Station for the 12 mile horse drawn wagon ride up the Slough Creek trail to Silvertip Ranch. Slough Creek is still high but it is coming down quickly, and we hope that in a few days we'll…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Mercer’s Missing Link

    Stumped. We’ve all been there — thrown everything in our boxes at a handful of rising trout until, one by one, we’ve put them down.Fishing the Snake River with some friends, we watched fish after fish slash at stoneflies and completely ignore our imitations as the cleanly drifted past. We’d tried every stonefly imitation we…

  • Monumental Myths

    By Corey Fisher Monumental Myth #1: National monuments are a land grab. Fact: Only existing, federally-managed public lands can be designated as national monuments. These lands already belong to you and I and state or private lands are not included in monument designations. Monumental Myth #2: National monuments lock out hunters and anglers. Fact: National…

  • Doc Fritchey TU 9th Annual Home Waters Event a Success!

    Congratulations to Doc Fritchey TU #108 for serving our nation's military family through its 9th Annual Home Waters event. 13 veterans who participated in the Home Waters event joined Trout Unlimited and DFTU through the free one-year membership for veterans! This is a wonderful example how TU chapters may use the Veterans Service Partnerhsip (VSP)…