Video spotlight: “The Way of the Trout”
When it comes to trout- and fly fishing-related video content, the good old days really are now. A search of Web-based platforms will turn up anything and everything, from simple (but interesting and informative) “home” videos to incredible professional productions. The challenge is not finding content, it’s deciding what content to consume. That said, there…
Short casts: Inspiring the next generation, Bay restoration and TIC
When TU chapter leaders send out requests for volunteers, plenty of members are typically quick to take the proverbial bait. That’s what we in TU do. That said, some opportunities tend to be more popular than others. Events that include the opportunity to mentor new or young anglers are among those that draw the most…
Book Review: Upstream
Few animals have been as totemic for humans as salmon. Entire cultures of indigenous peoples in North America evolved around this fish, its remarkable life history, and its powers as a food source. Whole reg ional economies have risen and foundered on the vicissitudes of the world’s seven salmon species—five of which are native to…
Voices from the River: The girl who walks in water
By Chris Hunt When she was 11 months old, Delaney took some of her first ungainly steps in the blond sand of Luffenholzt Beach and dipped her toes in the cold Pacific. When she was 2, she stepped barefoot into the frigid September waters of Toponce Creek, high in the Portneuf Range of southeast Idaho.…
Take Action for Upper Delaware
By David Kinney Answering calls for action to protect the Delaware River and its prized wild trout fishery from extreme low flows this summer, New York City agreed today to voluntarily boost releases from its water supply reservoirs. This is a welcome step back from the brink. Officials from the city and the Delaware River…
Voices from the River: It all flows downstream
An angler walks along the Escalante River in southern Utah looking for native Colorado River cutthroat. Cliff Wirick photo. By Clint Wirick The red rock country of southern Utah is not often considered trout habitat for good reason. Many waters in the southern reaches of the second driest state of our country are too turbid…
Fly tying: The Muskrat Nymph
Tying flies that don't really imitate anything specific, but might contain a hint of this or that is always fun for me. When a fly isn't supposed to represent a specific prey base, I almost feel as if I have license to be a bit creative at the vise. As expected, the results have been…