Trout Magazine

  • Utah asks Congress to support federal wildfire funding

    Fighting fires is expensive and the U.S. Forest Service is responsible for the bulk of funding the growing number of fire events each year. Photo courtesy U.S. Forest Service By Andy Rasmussen Wildfires do more than consume forests and turn rivers black. Fighting fires is dangerous and expensive—amazingly expensive. Wildfire suppression eats up a significantly…

  • Gear tip: Clean your line

    Want to cast better? Maybe a little further, maybe a little straighter? Who doesn’t? I know I need work. Practice is the key, of course. And before you shell out the bucks for a spiffy new fast-action fly rod, take 10 minutes to do the one thing that will improve the cast you have, with…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: The throw bag

    One of the many "little things" that can foul up your fly cast is a wandering elbow. First it's tight to your side, like it should be. Then, after a while, you get a little tired and a little lazy and it starts to meander away from your side and, before you know it, it's…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Deadpool Midge

    Profane and hilarious, the central character of “Deadpool” became an instant hero when the Marvel Comics movie was released last year. So, here’s the Deadpool midge, and it seems obvious how it got its name. It’s black and red, matching the mercenary-turned-superhero’s garb. But could there be a double entendre at work? You know, this…

  • Idaho sportsmen ante up to support wildlife management

    Jillian Lukiwski backpacking and fishing in Idaho's Sawtooth mountain range near Stanley, Idaho. Josh Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Michael Gibson Significant cuts are being proposed to federal programs that benefit sportsmen and healthy habitat. But in Idaho, sportsmen successfully lobbied to increase their own license fees for the greater benefit of our wildlife, setting an example…