Building watershed resilience in the Southern Appalachians
When Hurricane Helene tore its path of destruction north from the Gulf of Mexico through the Southeast, there was nothing anyone could do to change the storm’s strength or its path. But we do have an opportunity to pre-emptively address the risks storms and other natural weather events pose to our communities. We do that…
A note from Chris Wood on elections and the work ahead
In 2016, Donald Trump defied the polls and became president. Some of you may recall what I wrote to you back then: This was an uncommon and rancorous election, but the outcome was not. As is the case every four years, many are excited about the prospects for the new administration, and many are afraid…
Nuts and Bolts
Nuts and BoltsThe intense effort and partnership behind restoring fish habitat on a remote Alaskan island This summer, Trout Unlimited completed a major restoration project on Kuiu Island in the Tongass National Forest 9 fish blocking culverts were removed 5 were replaced with new fish-friendly culvert designs and 4 were replaced with water bars and…
Good Sam – how we got here
Do you remember what you were doing in 2004? Here are a few memory-joggers: Facebook was launched. The last episode of the sitcom Friends was aired. President George W. Bush was reelected, narrowly defeating John Kerry. Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service launched a partnership to begin cleaning up abandoned mines in the western US.…
Sustaining wildlife and ancestral land uses together
It started with a mouse, the New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse, which was listed in 2014 under the Endangered Species Act. The listing closed an important pasture to grazing and also locked out trout anglers from fishing the Rio Cebolla. United in their belief that the mouse could be preserved along with ranching and fishing,…
The True Cast – The long overdue demise of how big? and how many?
When I tell my mother I went fishing today, what’s the first thing she asks? “How many did you catch?” “Dunno, Mom, I don’t really count. A handful I guess.” And what’s question number two? “Any big ones?” Believe me, I get it. How big and how many have likely been the measures of fishing…
Tip – casting heavy flies
Now that we know how to cast sinking lines and how to add terminal tackle appropriately, let’s learn how to cast heavy and/or larger flies. Orvis’ Pete Kutzer walks us through some tips on how best to get these flies into the zone now that trout are deeper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtVLXzDq_A&list=PLEXZljM8NmhtGMQuVaaJ9TZq3SZY74R_5&index=85