Dispatch from Apacheria
It is July in Arizona, and the heat lies out there like some hulking great beast, a monster with an appetite that seems always unsated. It swallows all when it can, but we humans move behind glass, the bake held at bay in little containers of refrigeration. A plane, the rampway from the plane to…
Tip – Where Trout Live
Over the weekend, I had a tough time finding fish in a river I’ve fished regularly over the past few summers. Typically, I’ve had no trouble homing in on where the trout are, but this past weekend was a different story. The fish were not looking up, and the few I did find seemed to…
Trout in the Suburbs
Michigan habitat work transforms stream in southeast corner of the state into a trout haven for a big population center.
Paint Creek restoration highlights chapter partnership potential in metro Detroit. “It’s hard to believe there’s a trout stream 10 feet from this road,” remarked Joe Bruce, conservation committee chair for the Vanguard Chapter of Trout Unlimited. “It’s pretty unique.” We stood at a crosswalk waiting for heavy traffic crossing a bridge over Paint Creek in…
BLM proposes saving the best of the West through oil and gas leasing reform
Comments are needed through September 22nd to help bring balance back to public lands Across the West, 73 percent of the remaining native trout habitat is located in watersheds on public lands. Native trout were once abundant across the country, however more than 50 percent of trout populations have been widely extirpated from their historical…
The Fight for Bristol Bay Continues
Lawsuit by the State of Alaska threatens Clean Water Act protections. Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized Clean Water Act safeguards for the headwaters of Bristol Bay. These safeguards established a prohibition and restriction on mine waste discharge in the Pebble deposit area in the headwaters of Bristol Bay. This win was…
The True Cast – Tuck the arm in for casting accuracy
It’s rarely a good idea to offer unsolicited advice to a spouse, particularly concerning three topics: driving a motor vehicle, anything to do with golf, and casting a fly rod. However, the other day I went fishing with my wife, Sarah, and she found a nice trout feeding along the bank. Though she is a…
Fly Casting: What You See is What You Get
It’s okay to look at your backcast.
It’s okay to look at your backcast. Your backcast is the foundation for everything that happens, so if it isn’t looking good back there, it probably won’t fix itself when it unfolds in front of you. You just don’t want to turn and contort your whole body out of whack as you look at the…