Trout Magazine

  • High water fishing tips?

    A fly fisher in Stanley, Idaho, casts to the edges of the Salmon River during high water over the weekend. I spent the weekend driving along a couple of Idaho's more fabled trout waters—first, the Salmon near the "top of Idaho" in Stanely, and then the Big Wood as it roars through Ketchum near Sun…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: WWHD Pebble Mine

    In today's polarized political landscape, it's not uncommon to have federal agencies and their directives change drastically when administrations change. Take the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, and its findings in 2015 that hard-rock mining in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed would likely prove harmful to the region's salmon runs—it's home to half of the world's…

  • TU kicks off STREAM Girls program with Girl Scouts of Michigan

    Volunteer Alicia Bartlett demonstrating how to sample for macroinvertebrates. By Jamie Vaughn You may be familiar with the phrase “STEM” education, which refers to learning in science, technology, engineering, and math. At Trout Unlimited, we believe in “STREAM” education, which includes “Arts” and “Recreation” too! That’s why on April 29, to celebrate Michigan’s Trout Opener…

  • Conservation

    Bonneville cutthroat return to headwaters after 50 years

    For the first time in 50 years, Bonneville cutthroat trout in Utah’s Weber River were able to ascend Strawberry Creek, an important spawning tributary, thanks to a major conservation effort in Northern Utah. Since 2012, Trout Unlimited has worked closely with many partners in the Weber River Basin to reduce habitat fragmentation and allow native…