Trout Magazine

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Wader Makers

    If you're like me, you value good gear—stuff that lasts as long as the pricetag indicates it should last. I'm on my third summer with a pair of Simms G4 stocking-foot, zipper-front waders, and they've yet to let me down. They will eventually—wear and tear gets to everything. But when they do, it's comforting to…

  • Students participate in planting day on Salmon Creek

    Students from the Salisbury Central School (4th-8th grade) and Sharon Center School (1st – 8th grade) recently participated in a tree-planting event on Salmon Creek at Lime Rock Park in Northwest Connecticut. The event is part of an ongoing restoration initiative on the creek, a tributary to the Housatonic River. The work is helping to…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Caddis, Caddis, Caddis

    Sometimes the bugs that make Mother's Day famous for fly fishers don't adhere to the calendar, but it's generally pretty close. From the Arkansas the Yakima to the Henry's Fork, the first couple weeks of May typically mean it's time for caddis flies. I had an epic caddis day on the Warm River, a tributary…

  • More than 100 businesses pen letter supporting monuments

    Dear Members of Congress: The undersigned hunting and fishing businesses are part of a thriving outdoor recreation industry that contributes $887 billion annually to the U.S. economy. We are writing in support of the Antiquities Act of 1906 and to request that it be used responsibly and in a way that supports the continuation of…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: SBR Sulphur Nymph

    Nymphing has come a long way over the last couple of decades—many fly anglers will start with attractor nymphs on new water, simply because they make great searching patterns and tend to be top-of-mind when nothing is obviously hatching. But, even searching with attractors like a Prince or a basic hare's ear or pheasant tail…

  • Great Work for Our Vets by Bellevue/Issaquah TU!

    On 4/15, the Bellevue/Issaquah Wa. TU #109 and the North Bend, Wa Daughters of the American Revolution chapter jointly held our 4th Annual PHW Fish Out for the PHW chapters in Wa. state. The event was held at Langlois Lake and was attended by 28 Vets from Joint Base Lewis McCord, the Seattle VA Hospital…

  • Conservation

    In it for the long haul

    For the past decade or so, I have had the pleasure of visiting and fishing Bristol Bay for salmon and (very large) native rainbows. Lodge-owners, commercial fishermen, people from the native villages, and guides all impressed upon me the importance of protecting this remarkable $1.6 billion fishery that supplies half of all of the world’s…