A Monumental Win for Fishing and Hunting
New report details how National Monuments support access, opportunity and economy of hunting and fishing. In a new report, National Monuments: A Hunting and Fishing Perspective, 25 groups and businesses – championed by Trout Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership – evaluated hunting and fishing opportunity, as well as the…
TU projects fare well in Northeast flooding
When recent heavy rains pummeled the Northeast, the immediate priority was safety for the region’s residents. Now that deadly flood waters have receded, New Englanders are grappling with both the emotional scars of the devastation to lives and property and assessing the damage and moving forward toward recovery. Trout Unlimited seasonal stream technician Mo Ouren…
Tips for fishing dry flies
Tom Rosenbauer walks us through the excitement and differing scenarios of fishing with dry flies in this video. Dry fly season is in full swing across much of the country, so check out some of these tips from Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer. He’s one of the fishiest people we know, so take his word to heart…
The True Cast – My money is on the frog hunter…
(This will make sense at the end of the story) Here are two true-life scenarios that played out in the past couple weeks in the waters where I fish and call home. Situation 1: A father comes into the fly shop, hires out a guide trip for his two sons, ages 12 and 14. Dad…
TU Goes to Spain
Stream Salmonids Symposium offers a venue to highlight TU’s science work and learn from scientists around the globe. On the banks of the Mediterranean Sea, some 75 salmonid scientists from around the world congregated at the Stream Salmonids Symposium VI in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The idea was to present their work to colleagues, share…
Turn on the Stove to Curve Cast
A curve cast is a handy way to work around obstacles or tuck a fly right along the bank. Basically, you stop the rod abruptly with the rod at an angle, and instead of tracking straight (up and down) the leader kicks either right or left, depending on which side you’re powering the stroke from. …
A New Video Celebrates an Ambitious Restoration Project on the Wallowa River
Northeast Oregon landowners partner with TU to restore salmon and steelhead habitat. Ian Wilson is a dedicated angler, a fisheries biologist and a restoration project manager for the Grande Ronde Model Watershed. His wife Heidi is a dedicated conservationist who works for the local Wallowa Land Trust. They are the fifth generation to live on…