The U.S. Supreme Court is weakening protections for watersheds. We’re restoring them.
With Clean Water Act protections in jeopardy, on-the-ground restoration is more vital than ever. Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court weakened federal water protections by limiting the scope of the Clean Water Act. In the case of Sackett v. E.P.A., it ruled that wetlands are only protected by the landmark legislation when they have a…
Hope Has Fins
Getting real
Getting Real Eyes wide with wonder and bright with hope, kids from around Lake Sammamish work creekside with the Snoqualmie Tribe to make a small patch of nature embedded in a quilt of urbanization more welcoming to the creatures that call Issaquah Creek their home. It is Kokanee Education Day at Confluence Park in Issaquah,…
A Fishery Lacking Fish
Brook trout habitat will expand once abandoned mine drainage (AMD) cleanup takes place on Beech Creek in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s Beech Creek winds its way through rugged hills that echo with the bugles of wild elk in the fall and thunder with the gobbles of turkeys in the spring. A mid-sized freestone stream lined with hemlock,…
The True Cast – You gotta love a “fly-fishing dog”
Don’t get me wrong. Ol’ Maya (now a six-year-old Pudelpointer) is hell on four-legs when it comes to chasing game birds in the field. And many a feathered creature’s last earthly sight has been Maya’s furry snout pointed right at them. I think my bird dog likes trout fishing more than hunting birds. When I…
TU’s Wood Gives Testimony on Lower Snake River Dams
Near the dramatic jagged peaks of the Teton mountains sits Jackson Lake Dam.
During a virtual federal listening session on the Columbia River Basin, people from across the country called on the Biden Administration to move forward with the removal of the lower Snake River dams. Nearly 60 people testified during the listening session, with more than two-thirds or participants calling on the administration to take action on…
Snake River Flows Secured, For Now
Near the dramatic jagged peaks of the Teton mountains sits Jackson Lake Dam. Built in the early 1900s by the Bureau of Reclamation to control lake levels for irrigation in Idaho and reduce flooding for a rising local population, Jackson Lake Dam drives water into the Snake River and its interconnected aquatic ecosystem. The Snake…
Be well. Fish on.
When this group gets together, it’s much more than a fishing trip.
"Be well. Fish on." Stewart Brown wrote those words with his finger on the rear window of a friend’s dusty pick-up after a day of fishing in Colorado. It was three days before he would go into surgery for brain cancer. A few of his friends noted how much peace fishing gave Stewart through his…