Trout Magazine

  • Skills: Basic dubbing

    Often, it's the little things that make a fly look like it's supposed to look. Dubbing is the perfect example. Dubbing itself is a mass of fibers, be it made of hair or artificial stuff, like Antron. Some of my favorite flies require expertly dubbed bodies—consider what an Adams might look like if the dubbing…

  • TU Statement re: Hydropower Policy and Licensing

    April 11, 2017 title="application/pdf" />170411_TU Hydro House-H&S-Hearings.pdf title="application/pdf" />170411_TU Hydro Senate-H&S-Hearings.pdf Re: Statement of Trout Unlimited regarding Hydropower development and opportunities to improve American energy infrastructure. On March 13th the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing on energy infrastructure, titled Hearing to receive testimony on opportunities to improve American energy infrastructure.…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Perfect River

    I hear all the time about New Zealand's south island and its magical trout fishing. I'm sure the fishing is pretty impressive. But I came across this video about a couple of Kiwis wandering up a river on the less-heralded north island. Seems like New Zealanders really do have it all. Video of Fly Fishing…

  • TU Business Spotlight: Drift Fly Fishing

    I met Johnny Blumenthal and Paul Newman from Drift Fly Fishing when they were gracious enough to donate a trip to my humble little TU chapter here in Wyoming. But before we sent anyone out there with them, I did a little homework. I like to hear what others are saying about a product or…

  • My evolution as a #TUVolunteer

    Jeff’s two step-daughters, Katherine (left) and Kaitlyn, ages seven and eight, show off their volunteer spirit on a recent Trout Unlimited streamside trash cleanup. Editor's note: This is the first in a series of blog posts from TU leaders explaining their love for volunteering, for making fishing better and for sharing TU's message all over…

  • TU Business Spotlight: Sky Blue Outfitters

    I lived in a neighboring state for a while, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was practically in our back yard. I loved the place the first time I saw it. Dense timber, ridge and valley after ridge and valley, and in the bottom of every valley – a stream or a river. There were rivers…