Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Author Tom Johnson

    Trout Unlimited member Tom Johnson released his second book, "Threaded Journeys," last summer. The book is a series of essays about two of Johnson’s passions: fly fishing and bowhunting, with interweaving discussions on conservation, health and our national welfare. Johnson grew up in central Massachusetts with a father and four brothers who shared many similar…

  • Transfer=Sale Rings True In Idaho

    Tell Congress why public lands matter. Sign the petition. During our 30 days of Public Lands campaign last September, we detailed how with pu blic lands TRANSFER = SALE. Although land transfer advocates argue better management, more access and local control, the simple fact is state land agencies have a long history of selling off…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: A winter respite

    By Randy Scholfield Here on the Front Range, where plains meet mountains, winter weather is always unpredictable, a hit-and-run affair. We might get a foot of snow—and three days later, it’s 70 degrees and you get a hatch of Boulder dudes in shorts and flip-flops. For the past week, we’ve been having one of those…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Olympic Peninsula Steelhead

    Steelhead fishing is an exercise in patience, no matter where you chase these majestic fish. My first two steelhead trips were fruitless endeavors—I spent hours casting over Idaho's Salmon River with nothing to show for it but a sore shoulder a bout with frustration. It's a thinker's brand of fishing, which makes it easy to…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Dorado

    What do you get when you send one of the world's best-known steelhead anglers into the Bolivian jungle with a spey rod? Some pretty impressive cinematography, to start. This is a land of wild rivers teeming with toothy fish, high-canopied jungles sheltering everything from jaguars to snakes as long as some of the dug-out canoes…