Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Deadpool Midge

    Profane and hilarious, the central character of “Deadpool” became an instant hero when the Marvel Comics movie was released last year. So, here’s the Deadpool midge, and it seems obvious how it got its name. It’s black and red, matching the mercenary-turned-superhero’s garb. But could there be a double entendre at work? You know, this…

  • Idaho sportsmen ante up to support wildlife management

    Jillian Lukiwski backpacking and fishing in Idaho's Sawtooth mountain range near Stanley, Idaho. Josh Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Michael Gibson Significant cuts are being proposed to federal programs that benefit sportsmen and healthy habitat. But in Idaho, sportsmen successfully lobbied to increase their own license fees for the greater benefit of our wildlife, setting an example…

  • Methow Headwaters – US Senate TU Comments

    On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. [Read TU's full set of comments for the record, here] TU included the following statement in support of S.566, a bill to withdraw certain land in Okanogan County, Washington, to…

  • US Senate: TU Letter to Senate Energy Committee re Multiple Public Lands Bills

    title="application/pdf" />170330_SENR-Hrg-TU-letter-multi-bills-FINAL.pdf On Thursday, March 30th, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Natural considered and advanced several bills of interest to Trout Unlimited and our members. TU submitted the attached comments outlining our comments on the following bills: TU Supports: S.513, a bill to designate the Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management…