Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Top Secret Midge

    These blustery spring days when Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind can frustrate even the most seasoned angler when it comes time to figure out the right fly pattern. Bright sunshine one minute can be followed up by a quick dose of rain, a snow squall or a sleety mix of both.…

  • TU Business Spotlight: Zero Limit Adventures

    What do you call eight great guides passionate about fly fishing? Zero Limit Adventures. Whether you are looking to experience the raw power of king salmon, trophy brown trout and steelhead, the beauty of rainbows and brook trout, or small or large-mouth bass, Zero Limit Adventures is experienced, qualified, and equipped to put you in…

  • Fisher Guiding Launches New Website

    Yesterday a new tool for anglers will opened its doors to the world. It’s a web-based platform that helps anglers find guides from the Carribbean to Alaska. It’s called Fisher Guiding, and it’s goal is simple—to make guided fishing trips accessible for everyone. “The whole idea behind it is accessible angling, making fishing more open,”…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Devils

    Most of the land around Texas' great fishing rivers is owned by individuals. Public lands are few and far between. But, in West Texas north of the town of Del Rio, there flows a river that's part of a state natural area and accessible to everyone. And it's an amazing smallmouth and largemouth bass destination.…