Trout Magazine

  • Community

    NYC chapter’s tree planting program gets boost

    The New York City Chapter of Trout Unlimited recently obtained a five-year extension to grow its Amawalk Outlet/Muscoot River riparian stewardship program. The chapter has adopted this unique tailwater fishery as a prime resource and will continue efforts to maintain and improve existing habitat. Each Spring, members of NYC TU invite the local community to…

  • From the President Veterans

    Returning Thanks

    Man in river gets fish into net while his old friend watches

    During the Beaver Creek Invitational, veterans understand the therapeutic nature of rivers.   “There is always something therapeutic about being on the water. The river is so beautiful, catching fish becomes a bonus. The amount of support and love given to us veterans is truly amazing. I’m grateful for all the time and energy given by…

  • Fishing

    Trout Love Snow

    Person in wide river casting with snowy mountains behind

    The rest of us, not so much. Winter continues in the West, but that’s ok with us anglers.   There’s a common schtick these days in the grocery store, the post office, the coffee shop. “Can you believe this winter? When is spring going to get here? Man, I’m over this.”   It’s past mid-April now and…

  • Headwaters

    NYC Students Benefit from Trout in the Classroom

    Several elementary kids look closely at a tank full of fish

    This enduring program teaches city students the value of a healthy environment  Trout in the classroom: it’s a concept that’s been around Trout Unlimited and executed to great effect for more than three decades. The idea is simple: install a fish tank, fill it with water, insert eggs, watch them hatch and grow, learn about…

  • Fishing Trout Talk Trout Tips

    Cast better. 

    Seen from water level, man stands in river and casts

    Know the number one factor that turns a zinger fly cast into a clunker.  Don't feel bad. All of us have at least one flaw in our casting strokes. But there’s one flaw that can turn an otherwise great cast into a dud. The bad news is that most people who make this mistake don’t…