Trout Magazine

  • Meditations on wool and neoprene

    Tim Frahm in his beloved wool and neoprene on Pescadero Creek. By Tim Frahm Let's see, what do I need here. Oh yeah. Start with 5262s (size 6 and 8), gold bead (5/32"), spun mohair, palmer hackle... Like most rod and gun nuts I know, I've got important dates marked off in my calendar. But…

  • Headwaters

    Video Puts Words into Motion for Headwaters Program Sometimes it is downright difficult to put something into words. Try as you might, you can't take a personal experience and capture it in sentences or paragraphs. Language up and fails you, neglecting to convey, translate or relate. Such was my challenge as director of TU's Headwaters Youth Program. Summer after summer, I've attended…

  • Virginia’s Mossy Creek Gets Makeover

    Virginia's Mossy Creek holds a special place in the hearts of many who have fished this Shenandoah Valley spring creek. Though known for its big trout, it has been suffering from the effects of pollution and erosion. TU's Seth Coffman has been working on restoring Mossy Creek, restoring the curves of the stream and helping…

  • Rio Grande del Norte

    As you head north out of Santa Fe on US-285 there is a prominent overpass spanning the highway. Stamped deep in its massive upper concrete support beam, in big, bold letters that cover the entire length of the four lane interchange, are the words, "Tierra Sagrada," - "Sacred Land." The notion of honoring our land…

  • TU’s Moyer testifies for Good Samaritan legislation

    There is no denying that tens of thousands of abandoned mines are having a negative impact on America's streams. There is no denying that tens of thousands of abandoned mines are having a negative impact on America's streams. Nor is there any question that cleanup efforts can make a difference. Trout Unlimited's Steve Moyer told…

  • The impact of the Idaho Roadless Rule in two acts

    We got word yesterday that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Idaho Roadless Rule - a wonky rule that most people don't even know about let alone understand. It was a big victory for conservation, without a doubt. So I sent a note out to a few TU staffers in Idaho, asking for…