Trout Magazine

  • TU Business

    TU Business: Hubbard’s Yellowstone Lodge

    Hubbard’s Yellowstone Lodge has twice been selected as an Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Lodge of the Year. That’s a prestigious honor, awarded by people who know the ins and outs of running a lodge.

    At Trout Unlimited, we do all kinds of events. We do everything from the barbecue after the river cleanup to big blowouts like the upcoming CX3 in Portland, Maine. And we’re pretty fussy about where we do them, because a big part of any event is the location. The first law of event planning (or…

  • Community TROUT Magazine

    Behind the Cover: ‘Want to see something cool?’

    Gary LaFontaine characterized fly fishing as the the pursuit of perfect moments, and I like to think this image is a good expression of that idea.

    My friend Ethan Winchester and I had met up in the northern tip of Michigan for a day of remote, small-stream brook trout fishing. After a session of sunrise bow-and-arrow casting in an open meadow, we hopped back into the truck and Ethan asked, “Want to see something cool?” We went to an upper reach…

  • Community From the President

    The magic of water

    An angler no longer asks himself, ‘Why do we fish?’

    An angler no longer asks himself, ‘Why do we fish?’ My grandfather was a fishing fool. He lived down the Jersey Shore and would fish for bluefish or whatever else was running whenever he could. The fishing gene didn’t really pass to Dad. He was too busy playing hoops to ever really get into angling. …

  • Trout Talk American Places

    All Anglers Out

    The flood in the nation’s first national park is making huge waves, the ripple effect feeling like a tsunami for surrounding places, including towns flush with fly shops.

    Park’s Closed The first call I make is to Henry’s Fork Anglers in Island Park, Idaho. Todd Lanning answers. He’s cheery as always. I ask him if anything has changed at the shop this week. He’s blunt as usual. “A ton of people are calling worried they can’t get here, says Lanning, the shop’s assistant…