Reconnection Report Card — New York Priority Waters
Trout Unlimited's staff and municipal partners continue to work diligently to complete a wide-spanning list of New York priority culvert surveys and replacements. The reconnection of fragmented and dammed rivers resides at the core of our strategy to improve habitat for New York’s wild trout. With our small but mighty team, we reconnected over 30…
Good Samaritans get to work
What’s next in tackling abandoned mine pollution
What’s next in tackling abandoned mine pollution It’s been 20 years since the New York Times wrote about how Trout Unlimited, by working with unlikely partners, surmounted hurdles to cleaning up abandoned mines. That story highlighted the ways that federal laws hold Good Samaritans liable for pollution they want to clean up—as if they were…
Solving a math problem for Snake River Chinook
Two recent studies demonstrate how dam breach paired with increased spill in the mid-Columbia would allow many Snake River spring/summer Chinook populations to reach various management goals I am sitting on my parent’s porch on a Sunday afternoon in July when the neighbors stop by to say hi. “Oh! You are a fish biologist,” they…
Reels to the rescue
How a partnership with iconic Colorado companies benefits TU’s Embrace A Stream program If only you could really embrace a stream; actually give it a hug and hold it in your arms. Since that isn’t possible, Trout Unlimited creates opportunities for grassroots chapters to embrace a stream in their home waters via grants for habitat…
Protecting the source
Famous trout streams depend on waters flowing from the public lands of Sáttítla. These lands and waters should be permanently protected as a national monument. Few Trout Unlimited (TU) chapters have the embarrassment of riches in their territory as TU’s Shasta Trinity Cascades Chapter. Within a two-hour drive of this chapter’s base in Redding, California…
Tip – fly fishing for steelhead and salmon
Fly fishing for these migratory fish is thrilling thanks to their size, strength and beautiful environs. Watch as Tom Rosenbauer from Orvis explains the numerous kinds of steelhead and salmon and their migratory patterns, the gear needed, how to break down a river to locate these anadromous fish and so much more. Watch and learn…
Vander Werff joins TU staff to lead project work in CT
TU’s Northeast Conservation program has welcomed a key role player to the team. Jon C. Vander Werff is TU’s new Connecticut project manager. Vander Werff will orchestrate the 2025 Norwalk River Cannondale Dam (below) removal project, partnering with regional staff leads Tracy Brown and Jesse Vadala to execute this major project and connect our mission…