Trout Magazine

  • Community Veterans

    In gratitude to our veterans

    An offer from Trout Unlimited for those who served

    An offer from Trout Unlimited for those who served At TU we thank our veterans on this Veterans Day, but also every day throughout the year, for the sacrifices they have made for all of us. Did you know that 200 TU chapters have an active TU Service Partnership program in place and that these…

  • Fishing

    The Biggest Fish: Stories from a record-breaking season in Bristol Bay

    Check out the big fish stories and pictures from our Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassadors, Trout Unlimited members and even our CEO, Chris Wood.

    We are preaching to the choir when we say that Bristol Bay is one of the most sought-after fishing destinations on the planet. With a seemingly unending landscapes full of rivers and streams teeming with wild Pacific salmon and trophy trout, each fishing season creates memories of big catches, too-close-for-comfort bears, and family-and-friend memories that…

  • Community

    Meet Matt, TU Alaska’s new Southeast Alaska Community Engagement Manager

    Matt Boline is the new Southeast Alaska community engagement manager for Trout Unlimited’s Alaska Program. Matt will spend his time working in communities across Southeast Alaska to engage residents and visitors in conversation and restoration projects.  There is a lot of exciting work happening in southeast, including the Tongass National Forest moving away from old-growth…

  • Community

    Meet Riley, TU Alaska’s new Restoration Biologist 

    As the Tongass National Forest moves away from clear cut logging old-growth forests and instead investing in restoration, recreation, and resiliency, a new workforce is needed. There have been several creative efforts to build workforce capacity, including a restoration workshop that trained Native Alaskan communities in hand tool restoration techniques. Trout Unlimited in pleased to…

  • Restoration From the field

    Colorado greenbacks are … back

    After more than a decade of work, the greenback cutthroat trout is now reproducing in its native range Seven years ago, on a cool mid-September morning, I joined other Colorado Trout Unlimited members and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) staff at a 10,000-foot trailhead to Herman Gulch, a stream located in Arapaho National Forest west of…

  • Snake River

    It’s time to step up for the Snake

    Editor’s note: This article by Rob Masonis, Walt Pollack, and Bryan Jones was originally published in the Idaho Statesman. The Snake River Basin should be the largest wild salmon and steelhead stronghold in the continental United States, with its cold, clean water fed by high-mountain snow and its thousands of miles of high-quality habitat—much of…

  • Conservation

    Three things the Rubies taught me

    The TU community has spent countless hours fishing the Ruby marshes and has dedicated years to protecting the region from oil and gas development via the Ruby Mountains Protection Act.  

    “Do you need a reminder on how to cast?” Trout Unlimited’s Nevada Field Coordinator, Pam Harrington, asked Zoe and I as she handed us each a fly rod.   With smiles to match the cloudless October sky above the vast valley we fished in, we exclaimed “Yes!”  The weaving marshes of Nevada’s Ruby Lake National Wildlife…