Trout Magazine

  • steelhead

    A lost steelhead history

    Thanks to a new study, we now have a better sense of how many steelhead once returned to fabled OP rivers.

    Study of past data shows declines are steep; more closures in Washington and elsewhere may become the norm. Last week, steelheaders in Washington State were dealt another tough blow with the early closure of the coastal winter steelhead season. Anglers in this region were already fishing under a second season of emergency regulations, implemented in…

  • From the field

    Against all odds, these native trout survive

    In the Rio San Antonio, TU is working to restore a vital and vulnerable watershed. A river in northern New Mexico that harbors three native fish species — Rio Grande chub, Rio Grande sucker, and Rio Grande cutthroat trout — is named for the largest free-standing mountain in the country. The spectacular landscape notwithstanding, it’s…

  • Boats

    An ode to the Louisiana marsh and the flats skiff

    For most folks in the Northern Hemisphere, trout fishing has been tough these past few months. Our favorite fish is locked away under sheets of ice or stuck to the bottom of deep-bottomed pools in sluggish rivers. Luckily for me I was introduced to the Louisiana marsh almost 20 years ago by none other than…

  • Conservation

    Is your food killing your fishing?

    Neonicotinoids are infiltrating rivers and streams. Are they threatening the aquatic food chain?

    Is your food killing your fishing? By Shauna Stephenson On a sunny day, when the clouds drifted lazily across the sky, two life-long anglers gathered around a barbeque, cracked a couple of beers and caught up on the world as they knew it.  How’s work?Good.The family?Good.How’s the fishing been?So-so. They reflected for a moment about…

  • Dam Removal

    A watershed moment for the Klamath

    Public comment encouraged, critically low salmon and steelhead runs can’t wait On February 25, the long campaign by TU and our Klamath Tribal and conservation partners to restore the Klamath River passed a major milestone when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released its draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on proposed decommissioning of the Lower…

  • From the President

    Hold the line on the Great Lakes

    Will Washington do what it takes to prevent yet another invasive species from wreaking havoc on fisheries? Most of us have seen the videos of flying carp. As a bowhunter, my favorites are the ones where people use arrows to target the leaping fish. Most of the time the video ends with a few fish…