Trout Magazine

  • TROUT Magazine

    Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Dustin Wichterman

    Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Dustin Wichterman Associate director of TU’s Mid Atlantic Coldwater Habitat Program (daughter Brooklyn) Dustin and Brooklyn "The why?" It’s the sleepless newborn nights, looking out the window wondering what it will be like when you can take her.    It’s putting her in a chest pack at 11-days-old and cautiously stepping into…

  • TROUT Magazine

    Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Tim Romano

    Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Tim Romano Photographer, TROUT contributor (daughters Mabel and Blair) While technically not a TU employee I have worked for the organization for many years as a contractor at both an ad sales position for TROUT media, as well as a contributing photographer/content creator to the magazine and online. I do believe my…

  • TROUT Magazine Fishing

    A letter to my daughter

    When the world feels on the brink, can a child bring us back?

    By Christine Peterson Our feet fall a little to the right on the smooth, gray stones. We sit where glaciers once pulsated slowly over thousands of years. They grew and shrank, grew and shrank, slicing into the rock and earth with each movement, creating this valley and leaving behind a clear, rocky river.  All I…

  • Restoration

    A beautiful mess

    Loading streams with wood may make the fishing tougher, but it’s great for trout. “Why do they keep putting trees in our stream!?”  In the Northeast, where I work, this is a question we have been hearing a lot over the past couple of years, often with a sense of sadness or irritation in the…