A tasteful gift for the trout angler
How about the perfect gift for an angler friend or family member (or yourself) who already has their fair share of trout socks… fly neckties… fishy tumblers and coasters and more? (You get the picture…) The Fly Fishing Salted Caramel Collection by Christopher Elbow Chocolates is perfect. And delicious. Chris Elbow is not only a…
Tip – how to make a single-handed spey cast
Learn from Far Bank’s Simon Gawesworth how valuable the single-handed spey cast can be...even for the trout angler, with a trout rod. Simon walks us through the gear we need, why a good roll cast is an essential start and exactly how to perform this cast with efficiency and ease. Give it a watch and…
Faces of Bristol Bay series: fishing for the future
A commercial fisherman’s perspective on the fight for Bristol Bay You know the saying; “I get by with a little help from my friends”? As we cross into our second decade of advocacy for Bristol Bay, friends are more important than ever. The region is threatened by the proposed Pebble mine; an open pit mine…
Persistence on the Owyhee
When I first moved to central Oregon over three years ago, I knew I was in for a treat when it came to local trout fisheries. Early on in my time in Bend, I spent a weekend driving around central Oregon from the Lower Deschutes to the Fall to the Crooked Rivers, becoming acquainted with…
Numbers look good, but are they really?
If you’ve seen the recent news regarding Snake River steelhead returns, you’ve likely asked yourself, what’s the issue with the four lower Snake River dams? With returns totaling nearly 100,000 steelhead over Lower Granite dam one would believe brighter days are ahead. But if history repeats itself, this is just a blip on the radar…
2024 Photo Essay
2024 Recap (so far) - Photo Essay (Photos by Swiftwater Films) Iron Gate was over 500 feet wide and stood as tall as a seventeen-story building. The farthest downstream of four Klamath barriers dismantled over the past year in the largest dam removal project in history, it impounded a reservoir covering over 1,000 acres and…
Trout Unlimited Films
How much do you know about the vital work Trout Unlimited is doing across the country? One great way to learn more is to watch some of our recent films. Discover why streams need trees in the East. Learn who was instrumental in removing the Apache Trout from the endangered species list and find out…