Freeing the Eel
TU and partners sue to protect endangered salmon and steelhead as California dams await decommissioning The Eel River is the last, best hope for recovery of wild salmon and steelhead in California. But two old, fish-killing dams on the Eel block access to over 200 miles of high-quality spawning and nursery habitat in the headwaters…
Groundbreaking: Rerouting the Colorado River
A Q&A with the woman behind the long effort to reconnect the Colorado outside Rocky Mountain National Park This week, Trout Unlimited field staff joined U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) and a collection of partners outside Granby, Colorado, to break ground on a $33 million river restoration project that is decades in the making. Senator…
Three reasons to protect 78.4 million salmon (and counting)
How you can help urge the EPA to finalize safeguards for Bristol Bay There are less than two weeks left to submit a comment to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to safeguard clean water and fish habitat in Bristol Bay. Photo by Indy Walton. You might be wondering: Didn’t we protect Bristol Bay's salmon fisheries…
Rescued by Fly Fishing
The tones went off at about 2:30 a.m., and I rolled out of my bunk at the fire station, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I stepped into my bunker gear and slid my arms into the sleeves of my coat like an automaton. The dispatcher’s voice was calm and measured despite her dire message: “Engine…
West Branch Susquehanna: A river in recovery
WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, NORTH CAMBRIA, Pa. The angler stood in the shadows, peering intently at the water like a heron waiting for the moment. Then the cast. The line tightened. Allison Lutz smiled, subtly, as she netted the 12-inch-long wild brown trout. The smile was not so much about this individual fish. It was…
Why Trout Unlimited backed the infrastructure and climate laws
The answer starts with our mission to care for and recover rivers and wild and native fish Congress did something very unusual over the past year. It passed and the President signed into law two huge pieces of legislation that will provide great benefits for trout and salmon for many decades to come. Some people…
Trout Unlimited presents: Spread Creek, Wyoming
A new TU film about reconnecting a river is a story of resilience, persistence, community, and thriving cutthroat trout. In 2010, Trout Unlimited removed an obsolete, crumbling irrigation diversion dam on Spread Creek, located just outside of Grand Teton National Park on Bridger-Teton National Forest lands. The partnership effort opened well over 50 miles of…