Partnerships and collaboration are a core value at Trout Unlimited, a deep-seated philosophy of teamwork for the benefit of coldwater fisheries.
This is the framework of a new report released by Trout Unlimited that highlights our long-standing and ever-growing relationship with the Bureau of Land Management across the country. From Alaska to Arizona, TU and the BLM have been working hard to restore and protect coldwater fisheries.

BLM manages tremendous coldwater fisheries, particularly across the West and in Alaska. From Lahontan cutthroat strongholds in the tall sagebrush deserts of the Great Basin of Nevada-Oregon-Idaho, to the historic, sweeping landscapes and thriving wild trout of Wyoming, to more than 70 million acres and legendary trout and salmon populations in wild Alaska, BLM lands are coldwater refugia.

For years, TU and BLM have partnered to restore, reconnect and protect coldwater fisheries, from tiny streams in desert mountains, to thrashing rivers in wild canyons. This report highlights the thriving collaboration between TU and the BLM to ensure the health of its coldwater fisheries and explores the possibility of lasting partnerships in the future. Working together gets good things done, produces results and provides good jobs. This is what the collaboration between TU and BLM is all about. The profile highlights not only the places where the two groups work together, but the people who get it done, using the best science available.