Guide. Stop Pebble. Repeat.

The 2020 Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassador program connected local guides to resources to stand up against Pebble. This year, we are calling on guides to help us advance permanent protections for the fish, people, and communities of southwest Alaska.

Helping trout and helping America

A small trout stream in Yellowstone National Park.

Trout Unlimited works with whoever is at the controls of the White House, agency, House, Senate, or committee leadership. Demonstrating the point: our tireless advocacy efforts helped persuade the last administration to deny a key permit for the Pebble Mine in Alaska and to sign the Great American Outdoors Act into law

Four areas where a new administration can help trout and salmon

A Dolly Varden from Alaska's Tongass National Forest

On his first day, President Joe Biden unveiled an executive order aimed at confronting climate change and conserving natural resources. A number of the actions identified in the order are Trout Unlimited priorities as we engage in the federal decision-making process on behalf of trout and salmon

Scientists: Remove dams to recover Snake River salmon and steelhead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 2021 Contacts: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Jack E. Williams, Emeritus Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited, Helen Neville, Chief Scientist, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—In an open letter to the governors of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, published today, a group of scientists with several hundred years