Trout Unlimited Calls for Protection of Important Roadless Areas for Fisheries

Trout Unlimited Calls for Protection of Important Roadless Areas for Fisheries Trout Unlimited Calls for Protection of Important Roadless Areas for Fisheries Contact: Steve Moyer VP for Conservation Programs TU (703) 284-9406 8/7/2002 — Washington, DC — Trout Unlimited today asked the Forest Service to recognize the importance of roadless areas on southeast Alaskas Tongass

Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002

Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002 Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002 Contact: Chris Wood TU Director for Watershed Programs (703) 284-9403 7/25/2002 — Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited strongly supports Senate efforts to protect 58.5 million acres of unfragmented public lands from new road construction and most commercial

Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act

12/13/2001 Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act Contact: Jeff Curtis, TU Western Conservation Director: 503.827.5700 x.11 12/13/2001 — PORTLAND, ORE. — Officials with Trout Unlimited, the nations leading trout and salmon conservation organization, today applauded the introduction by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) of

Report Shows Alaska's Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon

10/30/2001 Report Shows Alaska’s Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Report Shows Alaskas Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Overloading Alaskan waters with hatchery-reared salmon may cause irreversible damage to wild stocks Contact: Jan Konigsberg , Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity Program , Trout Unlimited 907/248-0693 Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity

Thompson's Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House

6/13/2001 Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Habitat Restoration Legislation Seeks to Reverse Species Decline on Pacific Coast Contact: 6/13/2001 — — June 13, 2001 Washington, DC – A key salmon recovery funding measure, HR 1157, sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), passed the House today. The Northern Californian’s

Conservation-Sporting Groups Ask President to Support Full Implementation of Roadless Initiative

3/13/2001 Conservation-Sporting Groups Ask President to Support Full Implementation of Roadless Initiative Conservation-Sporting Groups Ask President to Support Full Implementation of Roadless Initiative Contact: 3/13/2001 — — President’s review of roadless policy prevented implementation on Tuesday, March 13 ARLINGTON, VA – Two of the nation’s leading conservation and sporting organizations are calling on President Bush